Monday, March 10, 2008

How to bring alcohol to a clean water?

How to bring alcohol to a clean water?

The Federal Tax Service has prepared a proposal for the withdrawal of the Union of Producers of alcohol products (SPAP) to change the order of calculating excise and strengthen control over the traffic in alcohol, alcohol and Alcohol products. Letter sent to the FNS Administration of the President of Russia, the Russian Government and Defense Ministers of Russia.

Today, the joint efforts of FNS and SPAP aimed at improving the regulation of alcohol and alcoholic products. As we wrote, FNS has produced "The concept of worship spirits industry", which proposes to reduce the excise duty on alcohol to 100 rubles per liter, charging him only with the spirits. As a result, at the expense 100 - per collection and tax base growth, the amount of money collected in the budget still must grow, as it is understood that "gray" vodka will be available from the shadows.

The concept provides for 100 - percent excise tax prepayments in the budget in a sale of ethyl alcohol and spirits producers spirtsoderzhaschey product or providing a bank guarantee. According to FNS proposed scheme, the payment of excise duty when establishing uniform rates implemented in full and spirits producer spirtsoderzhaschey products when purchasing alcohol produced in Russia. Currently, according to the letter FNS, excise agreed on the positions of all the relevant ministries and agencies.

SPAP, in turn, suggested that the excise uplachivalsya buyers in the purchase of alcohol, with the spirit payers will not be accepted, at a price that is not a product of excise duty. But, according to FNS, it can trigger the growth of illegal trafficking in alcohol. While seemingly much more? A possible reason for the lack of tax see assurances that the legal alcohol volume, shipments from the plant at a price no excise would coincide with the actual volumes.

At the same time, FNS SPAP supported proposals to set minimum prices for alcoholic products, as well as increased responsibility, including criminal, for the production and trafficking of illegal alcohol production. Coincided organizations and positions on Wednesday, which is widely considered to be one of the main instruments to combat illegal alcohol production. Now these questions are waiting for harmonization at the highest level.

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